So, my sister sent me this read, "Twilight." Supposedly it is like THE best book to read right now. Everywhere I go I hear people talking about it, and its even the book of the month for the YUM's. So.... I figured I should get on the bandwagon and ride along. Now, I've never really been into the whole Buffy the Vampire type thing, but I was sworn to that this is more "believable" and totally keeps your interest.... so we'll see. The movie is also coming out soon, so thought it might be fun to read the series before then. Anyway, I'll let you know what I think of it when I finish. Until then.... enjoy some pics of Miss Kara taking in the beautiful fall weather at our local park...

1 comment:
You gotta email me both of these pics, I love them! I guess Uncle Kyle really got her into the whole slide thing, huh?!
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