Last night was Beggars Night, and tonight was actual Halloween. We handed out candy last night to the neighbors, and did some trick-or-treating ourselves in our trusty old neighborhood in Grimes tonight. Kara and Molly had a blast "handing" out the candy last night. Kara thought it was fun to throw the candy all over the driveway for the little goblins to come pick up, and Molly thought it was fun to snatch some candy when nobody was looking. They were both dressed up as lady bugs.... matching of course. I didn't plan to dress the dog up, I let her get away with not having to put a costume on after Kara was born..... BUT, I couldn't pass it up when I saw it at Target. Even though it was quite small for our large dog, it still complimented Kara! We had a good time listening to all of the little Halloween jokes the kids tell (must be a Midwest thing), and Curt and I took turns walking Kara to a couple houses in the hood. While I was on my "turn" Curt took it upon himself to let Molly eat some Candy Corn. Needless to say, I was woken up in the middle of the night with a puking dog by my bedside, and the smell of vomitted candy corn..... mmmmm.... yum. Thank you my dear! Tonight we had a nice time checking out the old hood and seeing some old neighbors. There was a sense of nostalgia there for a bit, but after an hour we were ready to come back to our HOME SWEET HOME. :)
We hope you all had a wonderful and safe Halloween! And now.... welcome Christmas commercials and crowded malls!! aahh... the Holidays.
1 comment:
Not ahhh the holidays, AUGHHH! The holidays!!! I can't believe you enjoy the crowded malls, you're so weird.
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