Yeah, so its been a while, woops. Can I blame it on the Holiday chaos?
Well, anyway, needless to say, its been busy in our household lately! We are getting ready for Christmas and it just seems like its coming faster this year! We leave for NC in less than 3 weeks! We are spending Christmas with my family back in North Carolina this year! We try to swith off every other year, last year we waited until January. I have to say, I am a bit nervous flying right at Christmas with a very active 15 mos old!
And yes, I mean ACTIVE! Kara is now walking, or shall I say running everywhere. It happened right after Halloween, the first week of November. Its like my little baby is not a baby anymore. She gave up the bottle completely about a month ago and right at that time began walking and her vocabulary is growing larger every day.
Its so funny because this time last year she was just this little lump that laid around and would be content wherever you put her. And now, now you can't even look at her wrong and she freaks out! Yes, I'm talking about you Santa!!
The Christmas card picture was a hard one to come by this year. Not only will she not sit still but she doesn't smile very easily on demand, especially not for SANTA!!
Thanksgiving was great, having 4 days off in a row was magnificent! The turkey dinner was only a precursor to all the food I am going to eat again in a couple weeks! And.... my husband was actually sweet enough, and brave enough to go to the Midnight shopping with me this year!
We had our very first night to ourselves (no child to come home to) for the first time in 15 mos, and yes, that is what we did, we went shopping until 1:30 am!
So yeah, things have been pretty busy here. But what else is new right?
Once again, sorry its been so long, and I'll try to update more often!
Peace Love and Happiness to all!
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