Monday, December 1, 2008

Ummm... Sorry?

Yeah, so its been a while, woops. Can I blame it on the Holiday chaos?
Well, anyway, needless to say, its been busy in our household lately! We are getting ready for Christmas and it just seems like its coming faster this year! We leave for NC in less than 3 weeks! We are spending Christmas with my family back in North Carolina this year! We try to swith off every other year, last year we waited until January. I have to say, I am a bit nervous flying right at Christmas with a very active 15 mos old!
And yes, I mean ACTIVE! Kara is now walking, or shall I say running everywhere. It happened right after Halloween, the first week of November. Its like my little baby is not a baby anymore. She gave up the bottle completely about a month ago and right at that time began walking and her vocabulary is growing larger every day.
Its so funny because this time last year she was just this little lump that laid around and would be content wherever you put her. And now, now you can't even look at her wrong and she freaks out! Yes, I'm talking about you Santa!!

The Christmas card picture was a hard one to come by this year. Not only will she not sit still but she doesn't smile very easily on demand, especially not for SANTA!!
Thanksgiving was great, having 4 days off in a row was magnificent! The turkey dinner was only a precursor to all the food I am going to eat again in a couple weeks! And.... my husband was actually sweet enough, and brave enough to go to the Midnight shopping with me this year!
We had our very first night to ourselves (no child to come home to) for the first time in 15 mos, and yes, that is what we did, we went shopping until 1:30 am!
So yeah, things have been pretty busy here. But what else is new right?
Once again, sorry its been so long, and I'll try to update more often!
Peace Love and Happiness to all!

Friday, October 31, 2008

My 2 Little Lady Bugs!

Last night was Beggars Night, and tonight was actual Halloween. We handed out candy last night to the neighbors, and did some trick-or-treating ourselves in our trusty old neighborhood in Grimes tonight. Kara and Molly had a blast "handing" out the candy last night. Kara thought it was fun to throw the candy all over the driveway for the little goblins to come pick up, and Molly thought it was fun to snatch some candy when nobody was looking. They were both dressed up as lady bugs.... matching of course. I didn't plan to dress the dog up, I let her get away with not having to put a costume on after Kara was born..... BUT, I couldn't pass it up when I saw it at Target. Even though it was quite small for our large dog, it still complimented Kara! We had a good time listening to all of the little Halloween jokes the kids tell (must be a Midwest thing), and Curt and I took turns walking Kara to a couple houses in the hood. While I was on my "turn" Curt took it upon himself to let Molly eat some Candy Corn. Needless to say, I was woken up in the middle of the night with a puking dog by my bedside, and the smell of vomitted candy corn..... mmmmm.... yum. Thank you my dear! Tonight we had a nice time checking out the old hood and seeing some old neighbors. There was a sense of nostalgia there for a bit, but after an hour we were ready to come back to our HOME SWEET HOME. :)
We hope you all had a wonderful and safe Halloween! And now.... welcome Christmas commercials and crowded malls!! aahh... the Holidays.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I finished it!!

So its done! (Twilight that is) I read the whole book in less than 2 weeks, and anyone who knows me well, knows that's pretty darn good for me! And as I was promised, it was awesome! I couldn't put it down, and spent many late nights up in bed unable to stop turning the pages. Now.... as soon as the sequel gets to me (yes mom... still waiting!) I will be obsessed once again. I'm told the second and the third... and probably the 4th are just as good! Yipee! Can't wait for 11.21.08, the release of the movie.
Also accomplished this weekend: painted the trim on the doors outside our house, took about 1 hour, but man am I sore! Managed to find my husband a pair of shoes that he actually liked, and I think he is officially the hardest person to find shoes for, worse than any woman I've ever met, so that was a big feat! Also took Kara to Night Eyes at the local zoo. Saw TONS of cute little critters running around... here is mine, along with some other cute poses.

Monday, October 13, 2008

This place was AWESOME!

We visited a local pumpkin patch yesterday; Center Grove Orchards. The place was amazing! It has come to my attention that many people go to this orchard, but why didn't I ever know about it!!?? Once again, proof that I am so behind the times. But whatever, it truly was one of the best days ever. Maybe its because it was one of the first family experiences that I truly felt Kara could actually participate in and have some sort of a clue what we were doing, or maybe it's just that I'm easy to please! I found myself thinking "this is complete happiness" several times throughout the afternoon. With Kara holding onto both her father's and my hands while she walked with us, proof that she will take steps on her own any day now. And then jumping in this thing they call a corn pool, weird I know, but so fun! Bouncing (or should I say just sitting there and letting other people bounce us) on the big "pillow," and then finally picking all of our pumpkins. What a perfect way to spend a fall afternoon. And then, even better than that, Kara didn't even fall asleep on the way home, so she napped until 6:30 that night, and still went to bed by 8pm. Can it get any better?? Here's some of the cuteness herself....

Friday, October 10, 2008

Everyone's reading it...

So, my sister sent me this read, "Twilight." Supposedly it is like THE best book to read right now. Everywhere I go I hear people talking about it, and its even the book of the month for the YUM's. So.... I figured I should get on the bandwagon and ride along. Now, I've never really been into the whole Buffy the Vampire type thing, but I was sworn to that this is more "believable" and totally keeps your interest.... so we'll see. The movie is also coming out soon, so thought it might be fun to read the series before then. Anyway, I'll let you know what I think of it when I finish. Until then.... enjoy some pics of Miss Kara taking in the beautiful fall weather at our local park...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Giving Props

Just wanted to post these pics that a friend took of Kara at her house a couple weeks ago. Yana is yet another one of the brilliant and talented women I know from the YUM's. She does photography on the side and I have to say, her work is just amazing. Makes me want to buy a professional camera! Only problem is, I wouldn't know how to even begin using it!! You go girl!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Whats That?

These are Kara's favorite 2 words right now. As she points at everything she see's the little words flow out of her mouth, which sound more like "wassat?" It amazes me that at the age of 13 mos their minds are already spinning constantly and wanting to know about EVERYTHING they see. At first I thought it was pretty cute, and wanted to explain everything in detail. But I have to admit, I'm getting a little tired of explaining that "those are pumpkins" and "that is your swingset"... over and over again!
I can already see what the "but why" stage is going to be like!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Getting Started

So I learned how to blog today. Thanks to one of the wonderful moms in my YUM meetup group. I think its about time I got a little more technically savvy and joined the "on-line" world! It seems that's the way everyone's connecting these days! Plus its just one more way all of you long distance family members and friends can keep tabs on the Moxley family.
So, from here on out I'll do my best to keep ya'll updated! But for now, its night night time. Much love!