Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What Am I?

Lately its come to my attention that no matter how hard you try, you just can't make somebody love you.
Ok, so its not that serious, but I'm learning that everything you do as a mother is done in vain. Lately, all Kara says to me is "da-da?" "da-da bye bye?" "da-da night night?" Pretty much yelling out to me "Where's my daddy!??" And its not like she doesn't see him every night when he gets home! But even spending all afternoon with me seems to drive her nutso! And God forbid he go out for a night! Like last night, daddy went ice fishing, and from the minute he left to the hour she fell asleep thats all she asked for. Even as I nursed her teething cries for 2 hours straight after putting her to bed, she kept asking for da-da. Umm... HELLO... am I not the one who feeds you wholesome meals, and changes your dirty diapers and clothes you and spoils you with toys?! But like I said, its all in vain! I suppose she's just getting me ready for the even harder stuff to come in the coming years like "mom go to hell!!" in those angry teenage fits of rage.
However, who am I kidding? I did the same thing as a child. My mother was the constant force in our lives, practically doing everything in the house as we grew up, but yet who did we constantly vie for attention from? Dad. I suppose its a normal thing, especially for little girls and their dads.
But thats ok, she can throw sippy cups at me and stab me in the heart with her plastic fork and I'll still love her, through and through!

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